Saturday 18 June 2011


Greetings all,

I'm getting a big obsessed with doing serial items for this blog and my new one is Trashion where I scope out the best looks from the underbelly of fashion. There'll be no two-piece suits or bootleg jeans here, I wanna cover all the best in underground, street, fetish, trans and clubkid fashion. Enjoy dahlinks <3

Name - Kate Hughes
Location - Whalley Range, Manchester
Occupation - Part time Visual Arts MA Student & Community Reporter
Pastimes - Drinking, dancing to bad music, editing films & wanking once a month

1. PVC platform shoes, (lifted from) Primark.
2. Leather patchwork bag, Lifeboat Charity Shop
3. Make-up, Stargazer.
4. Giant Pink Safety Pin, Adult Baby Kit
5. Chain, Poundsaver. Dummies, Poundland. Black Spray Paint, Poundland.

Jacket - Afflecks Palace // Leggings - Primark // Lace Bodysuit - Primark // Tummy Tuck Bodysuit - Marks & Spencer

Most coveted item in yr wardrobe - 'It’s a tie between my Black PVC stocking and black PVC top.'

Favourite Film - 'Hmmm. That’s hard. I have so many films that I love but I think at the moment its Hedwig and the Angry Inch but it will probably change next week. I love queer culture films.'

Favourite Book - 'Killer Cults by Brian Lane.'

Favourite Song - 'As with films it changes all the time. At the moment I am really into Soft Cell –Frustration & Memorabilia.'

Favourite designer and why - 'Hmmmm I don’t really like big designers. I feel designers lose something when they become a huge brand like Dior or Chanel but if I was forced to pick I would say Thierry Mugler because of his edgy designs.'

Most lusted after fashion item - 'I love wearing fetishwear but its all so expensive. I would love to get a black funnel gas mask or Plague Mask.'


Pink hair is the one <3

Blackadder - Fashion Icon?

He is opulence, decadence, a dandy, a bounder, a cad, a rascal, a ragamuffin, augustness, pomp, sumptuousness, splendour & majesty. I also like his embellised codpieces.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Muse #1

I'm gonna get into a habit of this but I also want to list my muses and inspirations on this blog too, whether it be totally superficial or more high brow I think the ladies and men to grace these pieces deserve a bit of exposure and for people to learn a bit more about them. #1 is Zeena Schreck (LaVey) -

"Zeena Galatea Schreck (née LaVey, born 1963) is a musician, author and photographer. She is co-author of Demons of the Flesh: The Complete Guide to Left Hand Path Sex Magic, and the current spiritual leader of the Sethian Liberation Movement, centered in Berlin."

I think she's just cool as fuck, she looks amazing and has some massive balls renouncing her father Anton Szander LaVey completely. She gave birth to her son, Stanton Zaharoff, when she was just 14 and then still found time to teach magic to her eager pupils at the age of 18.She had the most highly publicised Satanic baptism ever performed, which was recorded and released by her father. She has appeared on Amercian talk shows to talk about her experiences and comes across as an intelligent and unmoved about her past. Make yr own mind up I like her so there!

Below is the first part of the famous Bob Larson interview with Zeena and Nikolas Schreck, the rest of the parts (there are 10) can be found on the poster's Youtube channel. Happy viewing <3 AS -

Chloe Sevigny // Opening Ceremony Resort 2012

I first featured this on my Tumblr blog when Chloe produced these amazing printed, cropped T-Shirts and fitted, pan-collared polka-dot dresses. Now she has pushed the boat out a bit and created a collection featuring what she calls "Victorian Streetwear." Sounds fit don't you think? Here's some examples from the show-

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Ball breaker!

The Dafne Balatsos Stud Ball.

Balatsos talks about her experiences when wearing this piece of arm candy, “I wore it to an art opening. I can’t tell you how many men came up to me and were like, ‘Oh, I really like your bag.’ I thought, that’s odd, because men never come up and say, ‘Oh, I like your bag.’ I was like, do you need a spanking, you naughty naughty guy. People kept coming up and saying, ‘Can I hold it’, ‘Can I touch it?’ It’s a great conversation piece.”

You can purchase from her direct, not sure how much it will set you back but you can try. Also available with black and white leather trims -

Later Dahlinks,

AS <3

Pure Class...

.....I love this woman.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Void Of Course Penis Shoe

Cannot express how much I want a pair of these -

See this amazing London based labels website here, other amazing S&M wear available to buy!!! -


The night I run with my partner in Trash Mr Johnny Trash is on again on Friday at Gullivers in Manchester. This time we are donating all the proceeds to Manchester Rape Crisis Centre -

Performers are the unhinged WillNRick

The very naughty Blige Sisters

And finally the unstoppable Salty Lips

Also the whole event will be being compered by the undeniable Kurt Dirt

All this for free (well a small donation if yr feeling generous) + Trash-O-Rama and Pumping Iron DJ's to keep you dancing until the wee hours. Hope to see you there dahlinks,

AS <3

Monday 6 June 2011

Douchebag Of The Week

Here is the first in my occasional piece entitled 'Douchebag Of The Week.' Everybody who knows me knows how annoyed I get at total douchebags and now I have a healthy outlet for anger that doesn't involve caving in their heads with a tyre iron. Here goes, enjoy....

NICOLA ROBERTS - This is not just directed at her although this and the many pictures taken of her DJing at Hoxton Bar & Kitchen made me want to vent my spleen in her general direction!!! To quote the story 'As she quaffed champagne, the singer, 25, played a selection of pop tracks including Lady Gaga - LoveGame, Dizzee Rascal - Bonkers and Jay-Z - 99 Problems.' Played? Yeah with a record producer helper!!! What makes these deluded and self promoting pop nonentities think that they can just pick up a pair of headphones and suddenly be a DJ? Plus the tracklist leaves everything to be desired, can't we just hear this on the radio day-in day-out and not have to pay a massive entrance fee for the pleasure? For a start you have to have good taste in music to get to a place where you are worthy to play your tracks to a crowd. Get some taste, get a clue and then come back to me....

Thankyou Isabel

"Women are 51% of humankind, empowering them will change *everything*, more than technology and deisgn and entertainment, I can promise you that. Women working together - linked, informed and educated - can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet."


First item should go to Slutwalk Manchester, a gathering of all genders, races & sexualities to protest rape, sexual assault & harassment, to bring about awareness on the subject, to say NO MEANS NO no matter what you wear, do or say and to give a voice and platform for this important issue.

It begins at 7pm outside Manchester Town Hall and takes a safe and accessible route around the main parts of Manchester City Centre. It is all about the S word and how it is being used against women to demean, control and also to excuse abuse. This is unacceptable and too many times in our society women are blamed for crimes perpetrated by others through no fault of their own. Using the excuses "She was asking for it" "She looked easy" is only furthering the belief that women are pieces of meat, here to be used & abused as others see fit. To tell a woman to dress a certain way to avoid being abused makes as much sense as telling a gay man to dress less 'camp' to avoid being queer bashed, it makes as much sense as telling a Muslim to dress less 'Muslimish' to avoid being racially attacked, it makes as much sense as telling a trans person to 'dress normally' to avoid transphobes.

Women's freedom depends on expression, choices and not having to think about societies ideals of womanhood when making decisions. We want to reclaim words used against us as has been done by other victimised groups in the past and although the Slutwalk will not eradicate rape and sexual abuse completely we hope that we can educate others and make our voices heard. RAPE IS NEVER THE FAULT OF THE SURVIVOR.

Find event details here -

Saturday 4 June 2011


Welcome dahlinks to Death Sets You Free, a new blog encompassing all that has been written by HardcoreDiorBackdoor (Blogger) & Batmitzpha (Tumblr) with some special guest bloggers thrown in. I'll take you through my favourites in fashion, cinema, art, music, literature & culture. I also want to give exposure to the hidden and missed talents from around the world and try to educate and excite. You will be shocked, you will be amazed, you will be hungry for more little demons.

Ta ra,