First item should go to Slutwalk Manchester, a gathering of all genders, races & sexualities to protest rape, sexual assault & harassment, to bring about awareness on the subject, to say NO MEANS NO no matter what you wear, do or say and to give a voice and platform for this important issue.
It begins at 7pm outside Manchester Town Hall and takes a safe and accessible route around the main parts of Manchester City Centre. It is all about the S word and how it is being used against women to demean, control and also to excuse abuse. This is unacceptable and too many times in our society women are blamed for crimes perpetrated by others through no fault of their own. Using the excuses "She was asking for it" "She looked easy" is only furthering the belief that women are pieces of meat, here to be used & abused as others see fit. To tell a woman to dress a certain way to avoid being abused makes as much sense as telling a gay man to dress less 'camp' to avoid being queer bashed, it makes as much sense as telling a Muslim to dress less 'Muslimish' to avoid being racially attacked, it makes as much sense as telling a trans person to 'dress normally' to avoid transphobes.
Women's freedom depends on expression, choices and not having to think about societies ideals of womanhood when making decisions. We want to reclaim words used against us as has been done by other victimised groups in the past and although the Slutwalk will not eradicate rape and sexual abuse completely we hope that we can educate others and make our voices heard. RAPE IS NEVER THE FAULT OF THE SURVIVOR.
Find event details here -
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